Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to Quit Smoking and Improve your Heart Health

From Marisa's husband, the Friendly Pharmacist

Quitting smoking is one of the biggest changes a person can make to improve their heart health and live longer. Everyone knows the risks that smoking causes for lung disease and cancer. However, the heart and vascular risk caused by smoking are more common and just as deadly. The good news is that studies have showed the risk is reversible by quitting smoking.  An ex-smoker’s risk of stroke returns to normal 5 years after quitting and his or her increased risk of heart attack are eliminated by 15 years. We all know that quitting is much easier said than done. It takes a strong commitment and lots of will power. There are also medication options that can assist a person trying to quit: Nicotine replacement, Buproban, and Chantix.

Nicotine replacement is the most common aid and is available without a prescription in several forms. Patches, gums and lozenges are the 3 forms you can purchase without a prescription. The goal of nicotine replacement is to reduce the withdraw symptoms from nicotine by slowly decreasing your nicotine intake.  It is not recommended that a person continue to smoke while taking these products.

Buproban is a trade name for buproprion which is also marketed as an antidepressant. The manufacturer lists an unknown mechanism for why it helps with smoking cessation. However, like nicotine it increases dopamine by slowing your body’s ability to recycle dopamine and leaving higher levels of dopamine available to your nerve endings. This is believed to help reduce cravings since the level of dopamine in your nerves would not drop as quickly as it a person quit without assistance. It should be noted that Buproban does carry similar risk to all antidepressant medications. It should be used with close supervision of a physician and any changes in mood, depression or suicidal thoughts should be discussed with a doctor immediately. It is also not recommended to smoke once buproban is started.

Chantix is the newest smoking cessation aid. It blocks the nicotine receptor in a person’s body so nicotine cannot attach and cause dopamine to release.  So a smoker no longer gets the good sensation often experienced with a cigarette. It is also believed to elicit the release of small amounts of dopamine to help reduce cravings. A person can continue to smoke for the first 7 days after starting Chantix. However, the cravings should decrease as the week progresses. New concerns with Chantix suggest that any change in mood, depression or suicidal thoughts are serious and should be discussed with a physician immediately.

It is important to remember that all of these products are aids available to assist you in quitting. They help reduce many of the physical symptoms of withdraw from nicotine but the psychological battle against the addiction must be won with determination and will power. It is important to have a strong reason to quit for yourself; Something that you can use to motivate yourself when the cravings and temptations are strongest. Develop rituals to replace your smoking ritual. Smoking is often tied in with breaks or redundant task and it is important to find other safe and healthy habits to replace smoking. Walking, talking to friends and meditation are good substitutes in most cases. In the end, remember there is a huge benefit to quitting smoking: a longer, healthier life with more money in your pocket.

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